


とにかく、ネットでいろいろと検索していたら、谷川俊太郎が四川大地震の時に書いた「蝶と蟻」という詩(『現代詩手帖』2008年8月号掲載)が、けっこうな数、ツイッターで引用されていることがわかった 引用部分は以下の通り―





この二行があるとないとで、読後感はかなり違うのではないだろうか 少なくともこの二行では、詩人は、いたずらに語ることよりも、沈黙し死者を悼もう、と言っているように思える

最初にこの詩についてツイートした人が、最後の二行を意図的にカットしたかどうか、ということはもはやわからない この二行を削ってしまうと、詩人がもと言っていたこととははっきり言って正反対の詩になっているようにも思える 
にもかかわらず、詩人には失礼ながら、わたしにはなんとなくこの汎用版(?)の方が、いまこの地震について、黙して喪に服するには、どうしてもまだ早いような気がして、とりあえずなにかを語りたいと感じている人たちのニーズに、どことなく合っているような気がする  実際、詩をリツイートしたあとに、「しなやかな言葉」というフレーズについてコメントを書き加えている人も多かった 





11日の朝、夫に起こされて、日本の東北で地震があり、かなり大きな被害があるらしいと聞かされた のそのそと起き出してCNNのbreaking newsをつけると、そこには津波に飲み込まれていく海辺の集落と、炎に包まれる気仙沼の黙示録的映像があった 
そのとき感じたことは、ことが起きてから10日以上経った今でも消化しきれていない こういう言い方するのもどうかと思いつつ書くが、何か大きな集合的トラウマの核に触れているような感覚とでもいうんだろうか
多くの人々がそうであったように、わたしもWWIIに連想が飛ぶのをやめられなかった 「焼け野原」にしか見えない、津波が去ったあとの市街地の風景、原子力、それに加えて、「疎開」という言葉すら使われ始めていた


原発に関しては、、、それは言いたいことはたくさんある わたしの生まれ育った町に隣接する珠洲市というところは、北陸電力の原発計画の候補地であり、紆余曲折の末に2003年に計画が凍結されるまで父親が反対運動にかかわっていたこともあって、いろいろと考えることは多かった そんな父親もこないだ電話したら、いやー原発ゼロは無理でしょ、とあっさり言っておったので、お父さんザッツ現金、なのだが、それはさておき。。。たしかに父がいうように、いきなりゼロにはできないでしょと思うし、洞穴でコミューンみたいの作って蝋燭の明かりで暮らしたいかと言われれば、ぜーんぜんそんなことはしたくない(むしろそういう考え方にはかなり懐疑的) しかし過疎地にばかり原発が建てられるのは、現都知事が能登半島地震のときに既にして空気を読まずに発言していたように、要は田舎だから別にいい、首都圏が機能停止しなければ別にいい、と言ってるのと同じだ 雇用創出のためと言われて原発が過疎地に建ち、電力消費量が膨大な大都市にせっせと電力を送るといういびつな構造、国と地方のヒエラルキー、東京一極集中型の国のあり方。。。は、やはり考え直されるべきだと思う

日本は生き延びるだろうと思う 引き続き戦後の比喩を使い続けるなら、いつか必ず「復興」するだろうと思う


超余談――友人がから回ってきたNYタイムス掲載の東浩紀のエッセイがなかなかよかったのだけど、先日弟が報告してきたことには、この人中途半端に東京から伊豆まで逃げたのでそうで、もちろん避難した人を非難する気はないのだけれど、その距離のなんともいえない半端さと、こういうことすると2chに叩かれるんじゃと本人がかなり気にしていた様子とで、なんだかカクっとなった 笑 同じ号に掲載された村上龍のエッセイの方が、実はストレートに元気が出るかもしれない

不思議な偶然というべきか、マルディグラ以降、カトリーナとハーストンのTheir Eyes Were Watching Godについて少し思いを巡らせていたので、これもおいおい書いていこうかと思う てかむしろ博論書かなきゃいけないんだ俺。。。




Aはなんだか鬱全開モードでYou Tubeで次々にビデオ検索していて、レッドホットチリペッパーズの歌詞の99%は、「死ぬまでヘロイン、死んでもヘロイン」ということに尽きるとか、90年代初頭の音楽が、ロックにしろヒップホップにしろ(カート・コヴェインなり2パックなり)、いかに死についてばかり語っていたか、ということを話していた 

この話題は、鬼門なのだ 普段90年代って何でしたっけ?という顔して、恥ずかしいこと、後ろ暗いこと何もかも忘れたふりで生きていますからね 精神衛生上それがいいからだけど ちなみに夫はそういう感傷一切受け付けない人なので、かえってバランスが取れているのかなと思う
結局途中から夫がJay-Zが比類なく偉大である件について、多分これで聞くのは千回目ぐらいの演説をはじめ、Aが負けじといかにNASだって偉いかを語り出し(実はこの2人は、会って二回目の飲み会ですでにこの件で壮絶な議論というか傍から見ればただの口論を戦わせた歴史がある)、めんどくさくなってきたので、中断させてうちに帰った 笑

Aが鬱な90年代初頭ミックステープを作ってきたら、どうしよう 笑


そして、こっちが質問したこととあんまり関係ねえ~ 笑



March 4, 2011

Dear Friend:

Thank you for writing. After a century of striving, after a year of debate, and after a historic vote, health care reform is no longer an unmet promise to the American people. It is the law of the land.

This legislation builds on our current system of private insurance and gives American families greater control over their own health care. It cuts costs for families, gives Americans greater consumer protections and choice, keeps our promises to seniors on Medicare, strengthens small businesses, and cuts the deficit to help secure a brighter future for our children and grandchildren.

Here is what health reform means for you:

KEEPING YOUR COVERAGE: If you like your current insurance, you can keep it. If you like your doctor, there is nothing in this law that interferes with that relationship. In fact, you will have greater control over your own health care, not government or insurance companies.

ENDING ABUSIVE INSURANCE PRACTICES: Because of the Affordable Care Act, insurance companies are prohibited from denying children coverage because of pre-existing conditions, and in 2014, the same will be true for adults. Until 2014, uninsured individuals with pre-existing conditions will have access to affordable insurance through a temporary subsidized high-risk insurance pool. Insurance companies can also no longer place lifetime or restrictive annual limits on the amount of care patients receive, and they can no longer drop people from coverage when they get sick. New offices of health insurance consumer assistance will help individuals in the process of filing complaints or appeals against insurance companies.

STRENGTHENING MEDICARE: Guaranteed Medicare benefits are preserved and expanded. In fact, in 2010, seniors in the "donut hole gap" received $250 rebates to help pay for prescription drugs. In 2011, seniors in this coverage gap will receive a 50 percent discount for brand name drugs, and by 2020, the donut hole will be completely closed. In addition, beginning in 2011, Medicare beneficiaries will receive free preventive-care services.

HELPING SMALL BUSINESSES: On the day I signed the new law, small businesses became immediately eligible for tax credits of up to 35 percent of their premium contributions for employee coverage. This makes coverage more affordable so small business owners do not have to choose between hiring and health care. By 2014, small businesses with up to 100 employees will have access to state-based Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) Exchanges, where they can purchase affordable, quality insurance and may qualify for tax credits up to 50 percent of employer premium contributions.

HOLDING INSURANCE COMPANIES ACCOUNTABLE: Beginning in 2011, insurance companies will be required to submit justifications for requested premium increases. Any company with excessive or unjustified premium increases may not be able to participate in the new exchanges. Insurers will also be required to meet new standards that limit overhead costs and provide premium rebates if they fail to satisfy these new standards. To learn more about how the Affordable Care Act helps hold insurance companies accountable, helps make the insurance marketplace more transparent, and helps increase value for consumers, please visit: www.HealthCare.gov/news/factsheets/medical_loss_ratio.html.

EXPANDING ACCESS TO AFFORDABLE COVERAGE THROUGH TAX CREDITS: Middle class and working families now have greater access to quality, affordable health care. The new law provides tax credits to middle-class families who cannot afford insurance on their own, providing the largest middle class tax cuts for health care in history. New plans will have a cap on what insurance companies can require beneficiaries to pay in out-of-pocket expenses, such as co-pays and deductibles. Additionally, because of the Affordable Care Act, young people up to age 26 can stay on their parents' insurance policy. Reform will expand health insurance coverage to 32 million Americans, guaranteeing 94 percent of Americans will be covered.

PROVIDING MORE OPTIONS THROUGH THE NEW HEALTH INSURANCE EXCHANGES: Starting in 2014, small businesses and individuals who are uninsured, self-employed, or have lost or changed jobs will be able to choose insurance coverage in new competitive insurance marketplaces. These state-based exchanges will pool buying power, providing Americans with the same private insurance choices that Members of Congress will have, and fostering choice and competition. In addition, the new law allows States to enter into interstate health care choice compacts, where qualified health plans can be offered in all participating States--allowing families to purchase insurance across state lines and find the plan that works best for them.

ADDRESSING MEDICAL MALPRACTICE: The new law establishes a grant program for States to explore alternative means of resolving disputes over medical treatment, and to find ways to reduce medical errors. The grants give States the flexibility to propose tort reforms that work best for them. My Administration is also funding medical liability demonstration projects through the Department of Health and Human Services.

REDUCING THE DEFICIT: The Congressional Budget Office confirmed that health reform will reduce the deficit by over $100 billion in the next decade, and over $1 trillion in the following decade.

CUTTING WASTE, FRAUD, AND ABUSE: Health reform implements unprecedented measures to fight waste, fraud, and abuse and to improve the quality and outcomes of care for Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries. The law ends unwarranted subsidies to private insurance companies and takes important steps to reduce unnecessary hospital admissions, improve patient safety, coordinate care, modernize payment systems, and streamline record-keeping. It also realigns incentives to reward medical providers for the value, not the volume, of their care. The law includes virtually all of the main ideas recommended by health policy experts to slow the growth of health care costs over time. For resources and information on how to prevent, report, and stop Medicare fraud, visit: www.StopMedicareFraud.gov.

While some of these reforms will be put in place later, a host of desperately needed reforms have already gone into effect. American workers and families can feel more secure knowing that neither illness nor accident should endanger their pursuit of the American dream.

To learn more about the content of this legislation and how it affects you, visit www.HealthCare.gov or www.WhiteHouse.gov/HealthReform.

Thank you, again, for writing.


Barack Obama

Visit WhiteHouse.gov